Lavender List
Acer rubrum ( Red Maple, also known as Swamp or Soft Maple), is one of the most The upper side of A. rubrum's leaf is light green and the underside is whitish and The flowers are red with 5 small petals and a 5-lobed calyx borne in hanging .... form with dark green leaves turning orange and deep red in fall
Fancy Leaved Geraniums
Red buds open to huge waxy red flowers over large dark green leaves . Flowers soft peach pink, darker at edges, slight yellow eye. POLAR BEAR: 1.8m L. Big scented trumpets with light green throat with a handsome long leaf.
Episcia List
Most of the Red Maple leaves are a light or a pale green to a whitish. Fruit : The dioecious, red flowers are borne in dense clusters and appear in March or The silver or soft maple is most common on moist land and along streams.
Alpinias (Gingers)
A soft light flower on a dark leaved plant. Top petals have a dark reddy blotch on a pinky base. A Miniature Stellar cultivar with single coral red flowers . lilac pink on a plant with deep green leaves and a small bronze zone.
Light blue sage (Salvia chamelaeagnea) is a water smart sprawling 1,5m tall shrub with soft , light - green leaves and spikes of pale blue flowers . It has attractive grey- green leaves and trusses of rose- red flowers at the ends of long
Asclepiad/Stapeliad Page
Light , silvery- green leaves , with slightly darker green coloring near the Soft , dark green/bronze leaves are contrasted by a dotted center stripe of Silver accents upon light green leaves are stunning with red -orange flowers .
Bromeliads Online - Bromeliads for tropical gardens
A slightly fragrant, modern shrub rose with light green leaves . Pretty, very large clusters of single, wine- red flowers , with a white eye, produced from
Low growing, light green leaves , bright red flowers . Plant–$8.00 Soft green leaves , large tuber on surface of soil. Red orange flowers in clusters.
Maple trees
The older common form has green leaves with white flowers , each with 4 narrow The red -leaf/pink flower form of loropetalum has made it a star of the shrub with arching branches bearing soft 1-2 inch long light green leaves that
Acer rubrum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The beautiful red flower bract can last up to 3 weeks on the plant and will its soft light pink flower bract with small white flowers emerging from within Broad dark green leaves that are long lasting and used in arrangements.
New Pelargonium Releases
Thick waxy grey- green leaves rimmed with soft white spikes. Offsets freely. Orange to red flowers in summer. (South Africa). Sun/part sun/ light shade.
Green -Leaved Heucheras
It is a soft , pale green in colour, with tassels of short, densely clustered plump leaves . Forms a dense carpet of green and red leaves , Tiny white flowers in Although the background is a light green , fine white hairs generally
Loropetalum | Walter Reeves: The Georgia Gardener
Autumn colours are soft yellow to gold, with orange and red tints. - palmatum ` Senkaki´. .... Has green shoots and narrowly oval, light green leaves .
Gary's Out of Africa - Episcia Varieties
Gaillardia grandiflora 'Goblin', red flowers w/yellow margins, red disk ' Shade Fanfare', lavender/ light to mid- green leaves , cream edge Polygonatum ( Variegated Solomon's Seal), long white flowers / soft green edged in white leaves
Young's Nurseries ™ : : Rhododendrons
KARLYN--- Light silver green to dark green leaves . Red flowers . (Dekking) MY BLACK BEAUTY--- Soft textured dark green-black leaves.
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