The Carving Path > Marsden Flower Jade
This specimen has a rough spongy look and has not been treated in any way. RICHARD ANDERSON Greenstone Pounamu Nephrite Hei Tiki Sydney, NSW. Top Carver - Richard Anderson Top Greenstone - Marsden Flower Jade Top gift - Hei Richard had held on to this piece of stone for many years before carving and now
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Pounamu is a Maori word which is used to describe jade / greenstone and also .... The clubs were made of many materials including wood, stone , jade and bone. to the vibrant colours of the rare Flower Jades of the Marsden district.
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TIKI carved from genuine top grade New Zealand Marsden flower jade by
This design is used on the - Matariki Gallery Maori Art, Giftware
For Sale: NZ Maori Pounamu Greenstone Jade ORIGINAL SHANE TOKI a9 for USD $70. ORIGINAL, NZ master carver SHANE McINTOSH made NZ Marsden Flower Jade TOKI,
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GemRocks: Nephrite
A truly beautiful pendant of New Zealand Douglas Creek Pounamu / greenstone.
nzgreenstone eBay Store About My Store GemRocks: Nephrite7 Nov 2010 Maori stone - typically rather dark green nephritic jade from New Zealand. " Marsden flower jade" - jade "with accentuated yellow rind New Zealand greenstone (also pounamu ) - name sometimes used for nephrite from New Zealand. .... The rough material is said to have been procured from Wyoming
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SUPERB FLAWLESS MAORI POUNAMU GREENSTONE NZ MARSDEN FLOWER JADE TOKI No other jade should be classified as pounamu as it is a Maori name for the stone .
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The rare Marsden Flower Jade Koru By Richard Anderson .... 23-Nov-10 17:33:36, $199.00, New Zealand Marsden Greenstone Jade Pounamu Maori Hook! .... Praise: jade is my favorite stone and this is a beautiful piece,very happy,Cheers
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A beautiful pendant of New Zealand Douglas Creek Pounamu / greenstone. The
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29 May 2008 Although the rough stone is mostly found in Upper Burma, .... buckles, vases, incense burners, and artificial flowers are made there. .... The Maoris knew greenstone under the name of pounamu , this term begin derived
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The early New Zealand Maori called the stone Pounamu which means Green Stone . Dark Green or Marsden Flower Jades are now very rare and very expensive.
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