Raphiolepis, Shrubs
18 Oct 2010 Cyclamen coum 'Maurice Dryden'has a strong silver leaf form, topped with stalks of white flowers with magenta blotch at the base.
A YEAR IN FLOWERS - videotape
Lovely magenta flowers and silver leaves . There are a ton of seedlings from it, but I have no problem just plucking up the unwanted ones.
Cyclamen hederifolium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Geranium sanguineum - Bloody Crane's Bill bowl shaped magenta flowers late spring Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' - Dead Nettle has silver leaves with
Alpines A-I
Silver leaves Sep-Apr, dumpy white and pink flowers Jan-Mar, 10cm. Large pointed magenta flowers with a pale pink rim to the corolla tube (white in C.
Plant Descriptions
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewTradescantia sillamontana – Silver hairy leaves . Geranium 'Persian Queen'– Chartreuse foliage with magenta flowers . 50. Tecoma 'Orange' – Large clusters of
Page Title - www.hardycyclamen.com
Leaves silver with edges of green. Flowers white with dark magenta blotch at base of petals. Does not come true from seed with regularity - has to be rogued
Buddleia davidii Cultivar List
Leaf color varies from all-green to all- silver , but the most common is a The leaf and flower stalks of Cyclamen hederifolium grow outwards and then up, purple, or white with a streaky magenta V-shaped marking on the nose,
Bouquet Banque Nursery - Hardy Cyclamen - Varieties
Delicate silver leaves , narrowly edged in green give this lamium an ethereal quality. nettle-like, magenta flowers in late spring and early summer.
PlantFiles: Detailed information on Bloody Mary, Bloody William
'Firewitch' Magenta blooms on evergreen silvery foliage. .... Gray-green leaves ; tiny lavender flowers . ' Silver ' Gray leaves edged in white.
The bright magenta flowers sing out against silver - leaved companions. Cistus ' Thrive', with small dark green leaves and white, golden-eyed flowers is one of
CGF:: Cotswold Garden Flowers
Album (white) £3-00 each. Silver leaf /pewter £4-50 each Magnificent scented white, pink or magenta flowers very welcome in late winter.
3 Jun 2008 'British Sterling' produces silvery leaves with narrow, green margins. Magenta flower buds mature to blue flowers .
perennial garden flowers
Blooms in early spring with large magenta -purple flowers atop glossy deep green cordate leaves , dramatically marked with a combined silver hastate pattern
Pictorial Flower Guide
15 Jun 2009 With silvery , woolly leaves and small, bright magenta , rose, pink or white flowers , rose campion, Lychnis coronaria can be a wonderful
Salvia Chiapensis
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick View Silver Queen Compact, silver -grey, Flamingo Pinkish-red tips in spring, .... Challenger Magenta flowers on bronze Darley Dale Light pink
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