Featured Plant Species
Upright red or green flower spikes on soft, leafy stems. .... Pink flowered varieties have brighter red stripes. Sensitive to frost. .... Coarse, large seed pods good for drying. Pick flower buds, or open flowers with yellow tufts or
Flower Plants and TreesFlower Plants and TreesFlower Plants and
DEERHORN CLARKIA (C. pulchella) CONFETTI MIX has slender spikes of pink , lavender and Both the flowers and seed pods are used in dried arrangements.
Plant Answers
When complete these blooms form strong architectural looking seed pods has pink & bronze margined foliage producing an occasional flower spike with deep
<h3><u> Pink Flowers </u></h3>
The Carmacita pink variety gives the plant a slightly sickly appearance. The pods need to be split apart to remove the seeds . Each flower spike from
The World's Best Photos of pod and spike - Flickr Hive Mind
22 Dec 2010 It blooms June - July and produces pink flower plumes which turn Its flower spikes rise above blue-green foliage on gray stems. Usually blooming the month of June, it produces interesting seed pods after flowering .
Banksia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its attractive light-green seed pod will turn red-brown in autumn. A half- hardy annual with spectacular, 1 metre flower spikes , A biennial plant with fragrant purple/ pink flowers on strong tall stems with greyish, heart-shaped
Wind Dispersal Of Seeds
Spike seedpod with tiny lines by Monceau · Spiky flower pod by Monceau Pink flower head with raindrops in leaves by Monceau
Flowers & Decorative Plants - Prairie Garden Seeds
Spikes of bright red flowers born on branch terminals appear in the spring. Spectacular and showy with hot pink flowers in winter/spring - usually bare of Seed pods are edible. It provides broken shade, so it is possible to grow
New Additions! - Jim's Favorite Flower Garden Seeds
Mullein' Shades of pink and copper flower spikes . Seed pods and stems turn red, May to August. Sunny position. Height 80 cm. 2 lit. Price: £4.20
Spiky plants - a set on Flickr
The long stamens and unusual seed pods give the flower a delicate, spidery look. You are buying 50+ FRESH Mixed Cleome Seeds. This mix includes Pink ,
Grower Direct - Flowers for Drying
Dainty ½" pink flowers cover this rock garden plant. Grows 12 inches tall, .... Decorative violet flowered with silver seed pods for garden or drying. Long, symmetrical 3 ft. spikes . Will flower the first year from seed.
Other perennials
How to Plant Bluebonnet Seed Pods . Bluebonnets, a variety of annual lupine, produce deep blue flower spikes in spring. While bluebonnets are annuals,.
Castor oil plant
large leafed plant with heart shaped pink seed pods . by Susan Hawthorne .... Flower spike , flowers a pink /mauve colour. Leaves are about 2 to 3 inches long
Pods Seeds - eHow.com
This tree with its distinctive thorny trunk and showy pink flowers is commonly planted in The Dogbane Family (Apocynaceae) also includes members with seed pods ..... Seed-bearing sections (spikelets) of the flower spike (containing
Delicate spikes of pink flowers and grayish green scented foliage. ..... with 3 cm blue flowers followed by strangely shaped seed pods (click thumbnails for
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