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As psychologist and flower essences therapist I occasionally turned to gem
Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing: " Gurudas
FLOWER ESSENCES VIBRATIONAL HEALING Therapy Gurudas . ' Learn more about searching: General Search tips · Advanced search commands. View as:
Gurudas , was a pioneer of herbs, flower , and gem essences . After working as an alternative health practitioner specializing in homeopathy and radionics for
Jasmine - Nature's Flowers of Life - Flower Essences
Gurudas says, in the preface to his book, Treason: the New World Order, Inc. , a firm that produces and describes flower essences , gem elixirs,
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According to Gurudas ( Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing) "Jasmine essence regulates mucous in the system, clearing the nasal passages, the sinuses,
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Gurudas Flower Essences 1 oz. Item# gurufe. Regular price: $20.00. Sale
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Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing. 86% buy the item featured on this page: Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing by " Gurudas " Paperback
Gem Elixirs & Vibrational Healing Vol 1 - <i>by Gurudas | The
( Gurudas , p. 28) as they move from the physical body into other levels of the energy system. The actual pathway that the flower essences take to move
Using Flower Essences with Animals
The book Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing ( Gurudas , 1989, Cassandra Press ) briefly alludes to several essences that may have relevance to spinal cord
Flower Essences :Mind-Body-and-Spirit Alternative Medicine for
Gurudas ' channeled information on flower essences reveals that they were created in Atlantis, after people had lost the ability to do this psychic merge.
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Flower Essences for Evolutionary Healing
Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing by Gurudas ,encyclopedic in its scope, suggests possible clinical uses for a variety of Flower Essences in order to
The Flower Essence Shop offers a wonderful range of Bach Flower Remedies and SORRY - The Gurudas Vol.1 is currently out of stock as we are awaiting a
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